I watched them go and plunked down on one of the small metal chairs. 我目送他们离去,然后一屁股坐在其中一把金属小椅子上。
Maotai is one liquor that refuses to go down easy& on stock exchanges or otherwise. 茅台酒是不会轻易放低姿态的,无论是在股市还是在其他方面。
The reckless hunters and brave knights of the sea go down into the depths on quests and adventures, but return home to the heights for rest and peace, courtesy and council, the sports, the dances and the songs. 海底那些鲁莽的猎人和勇敢的骑士到深处去探险猎奇,然后回到高处家里安心休息,跟别人礼尚往来,开会议事,娱乐玩耍,唱歌跳舞。
Wages can go up or down depending on the baby's gender and the head of a company could significantly change the way he looks at his employees after the birth of a child, according to new research. 一项新研究表明,你的薪水是升是降将取决于老板的新宝宝的性别。而且,孩子的出生还会极大地改变老板对员工的看法。
According to Psychic Medium Barb Powell, it will& that is, if we don't all go down on Doomsday ( Dec. 21). 根据灵媒BarbPowell,它将&也就是说,如果我们没有在末日(12月21日)灭亡。
'Aunt,' said Florence, 'I will go and lie down on my bed.' 姑妈,弗洛伦斯说,我到我床上去躺躺。
Should I go down on my knees? 我应该跪下吗?
Feelings can go up or go down, depending on the circumstances. 情绪或高或低,取决于他们所处的环境。
Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. 生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落。《以弗所书》(基督教)
I must go down and put on my necklace. 我必须下楼去戴上项链。
You won't blow me or let me go down on you? 你不愿意给我吹箫,又不给我上你?
Then go down on to the park. 然后向下走就到了公园。
Go down and put on some dry clothes on. 下去换上干衣服。
And so, at this saddle point here, if we go north or south, then we go down on either side to the Valley. 在鞍点的地方,如果我们向北或者向南,我们都向下走到了山谷。
Let not the sun go down on your wrath. He fanned the Lower House into a blaze of resentment. 不要让你的愤怒过夜。他激起了下院的愤怒。
During this time the selling price, and so profits, will go up and down depending on world demand. 在此期间,煤炭的销售价格及其利润会随着国际市场的需求变化而上下波动。
A draw would not go down well anywhere except on the Fylde coast. 一场平局不会令事情有任何好转,除了对黑池的一方。
She could soon stand up on her back legs, go down on her front legs and even lie down and roll over. 她可以很快在她的后腿上站起来,在她的前腿上下来并且甚至结束躺下而且卷。
They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors. The attackers had far superior forces but they gave no quarter and totally annihilated the defenders. 他们绝不会对压迫者屈膝投降.进攻者具有绝对优势的兵力,但他们却毫不留情,全部消灭了抵抗者。
They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors. 他们绝不会对压迫者屈膝投降。
Go and speak to your brother before he goes to bed, he didn't mean to destroy your book and it is not well to let the sun go down on your wrath. 在你弟弟上床之前,去同他言归于好吧!他又不是故意弄坏你的书,赌气过夜是不好的。
It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the reactionaries will go down on their knees of their own accord. 不能设想,哪一天早上,一切反动派会统统自己跪在地下。
He bended over, with one hand grasping the holder and the other hand the tip, he let the knife go up and down on the stone and make the sound of sharpening. 他弓着腰,一手抓着刀柄,一手捏着刀尖,让刀在石头上来回游走,发出“霍霍”的声音。
They are made either to fall on their backs or go down on their knees begging for mercy. 他们被打败后跪在地上求饶,丑态百出。
You take his right out and go down on him. 利用他的右侧,击倒他。
The trick is to go down on one heel ball. 这种花样的关键就是留意上步提踵。
You've got to kiss and go down on them. 你已经吻了她们还倒在了她们身上。
Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy. 因此,跪下祈求公爵的宽恕吧。
Even if you go down on your knees, I won't forgive you. 即使你跪下求我,我也不会宽恕你。
Usually when I get off of the bus, I continue to go down the sidewalk on that side of the road and wait until I get to my house to cross the road. 通常当我下公交车以后,我会继续沿着路旁的人行道走下去,一直到我家的地方再穿过马路。